Monday, September 07, 2009

A brief response to a complex question

I want to briefly address a question I get asked quite often by friends and family in the UK and the U.S.:

‘Do you ever plan to move back to the U.S.?’

The short response is, well, no. Now, before the derision begins, let me explain.

I will not move back to the states because I have a serious issue with the fact my partner (who is from Poland) is unable to emigrate to the U.S. due to a single factor: he is a he.

I am not forbidden to move back. I can return anytime. Of course doing so means leaving my partner behind because even though some states now recognise gay marriage, it is still a basic fact that immigration is a federal – not state – privilege.

Living as an ex-pat is not a choice, but a necessity. I find it disingenuous when I go through U.S. Customs and get asked the question ‘Why do you live abroad – is your country not good enough for you?’ It confronts my determination and my beliefs. It questions my loyalty and my convictions.

Quite simply, it does not take into account that it is in fact my Country that has made the determination that ‘I’ am not good enough for ‘it’.

I will not belabour the point. I am not going to ask a country for a right that it is simply not ready to grant.

I live where I am welcome and that is enough for me.


Alex Coley said...

I always feel like I get an easier ride than US citizens from Homeland Security. Because I'm expecting hassle. Then again I made it through immigration faster than my American girlfriend at O'Hare last week. Weird.

When I used to live in Croatia an American friend complained about the last time he went home. Immigration asked him what was the purpose of his visit overseas. When he didn't understand the question he was asked why he would need to leave the US. To which he replied: "to see the world?"

Having said that UKBA have gotten much worse of late from what Megan tells me.

Maybe you'll get to see things in the US change one day. It seems a deeply inequal rule. Seems the EU is good for something :D

beemer said...

I'd hope that your response to anyone asking about the reason for you living overseas would be along the lines of "Because I want to, not that it's any of your goddamned business." Besides the disgraceful fact that you both cannot come to the US and be recognized fully, you should be able to live anywhere you want for any reason that you want. I look forward to the day when you can.

Unknown said...

Could it be that it was open attitudes, freedom and tolerance that made American the great nation that it was?

Could it then also be that closed minds and closed doors to people like Shahrukh Khan and yourself that begins America's fall from grace?

Part of Roman prosperity in the days of the Empire stemmed from the value and accessibility of Citizenship. A gift that was later devalued and restricted greatly by the invading hordes. I realise I'm skipping a lot of related issues here, but doesn't that sound a little familiar?

ilithium said...
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